

VAMS Advance Tactical Medical Provider (ATMP) Course is a demanding and comprehensive tactical medical course with a global perspective on managing today’s disaster and battlefield casualties.

ATMP is a continuation of our Tactical Medical Provider Course (TMP) in which our instructors take course participants from the fundamentals of Tactical Combat Casualty Care into more complex disaster and battlefield casualty injuries under dynamic high stress training scenario environments.

Medics will undergo battle-focused tactical operational medical instruction on operational medical topics, table top exercises and scenarios, management of complex casualties requiring trauma resuscitation, development of prolonged field care patient management strategies when we are delayed on the X, telemedicine, pharmacology and experience working with in austere operational environments.

Course participants will also learn focused tactical team movement dynamics while encountering operational threats in which course participants must critically command and control, address casualties and mitigate the threats when conducted both in simulation and live fire exercises.


ATMP candidates must have completed either VAMS TMP course or another schoolhouse’s tactical medical program. If the candidate has completed another tactical medical program, VAMS will determine if candidate is eligible to register. Candidates also must possess basic fire arms skills. Must be a pre-hospital provider, combat medic, midlevel provider or physician.

Cost: $1800.00 (Required ammunition not included)

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